PCAForever.org - Supporting the MA PCA Program

Personal Care Attendant Program in MA

     Personal Care Attendants are at the heart of the Independent Living Movement. By performing and helping with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) that not everyone can do on their own, PCA's give people with disabilities the freedom to work, to play, to live in the community and home of their choice, and to be independent.   Without PCA's, many more people would be restricted to institutions and nursing homes.

Unfortunately, Governor Baker and MassHealth have reacted to a Department of Labor ruling by eliminating overtime for PCAs beginning September 1. As of August 8, PCAs and consumers have not yet been informed. While on the surface, eliminating overtime sounds reasonable, instead this decision will play havoc with the ability of consumers to employ the people they need, when they need them. Who is affected? Exemptions
Consumers must apply for exemptions, with the assumption that the exemption is not permanent.

What can be done?

If you or someone you know is harmed by these new limits, please call Governor Baker and tell him your story, and how this ruling is affecting you. 617.725.4005 or visit ma.gov for contact information. */ "PCA

      "Two PCAForever.org provides information on both the human aspects and the administrative/fiscal details of the Massachusetts Personal Care Attendant program. We encourage PCA users, PCAs, advocates and provider agencies to submit their stories in any media format about the crucial role of the PCA program so that we can better communicate the importance of these services. This consumer-directed service ensures and enhances the independence and dignity of over 20,000 people with disabilities of all ages across the state.

A PCA consumer speaks up at the Jan. 2011 PCA Rally to a staff person for Speaker of the House, DeLeo.


     PCAForever.org is hosted by the MetroWest Center for Independent Living with support from the Stavros Independent Living Center , the Boston Center for Independent Living , and the Statewide Personal Assistance Coalition.

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ADL: Activities of Daily Living include mobility (including tranfers), medications, bathing and grooming, dressing and undressing, range-of-motion exercises, eating and toileting.
IADL: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living include meal preparation, shopping, laundry, managing money, housework, transportation, use of telephone, outdoor mobility, and taking medicine

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